Saturday, December 23, 2006

Chilled honey coated Galia melon

Last time I got this melon from the super stores for the first time& we both just loved it so this time I thought why not try something special with it !

But the flavor of this melon is so refreshing & wonderful in itself I didn’t have the heart to change it

So I just peeled the melon cut it into cubes drizzled it with 3 tsp of honey. Just tossed it a few times & refrigerated it for 2 hours or so. I have added a few sliced grapes, tomato peel roses & some apple shavings to decorate it. And an eye catching as well as delicious chilled honey coated Galia melon is ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That looks so good!very eyecatching will definetly make it sometime